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1932年 京都市生まれ
父 田中鉄邦に師事、鍛金を学ぶ
伝統工芸日本金工展にて文化庁長官賞、日本工芸会賞受賞 個展 全国の百貨店美術画廊にて多数

Devoting to the production of everyday crafts using sterling silver, Tanaka Toshihiro specializes in tableware, sake vessels, stationery, and jewelry. Steered by the principle of infusing everyday life with silverware, Tanaka employs his own visual language to elevate the material and hammering techniques, which have long been fostered alongside the flowering of mastery in teaware and Shinto and Buddhist ritual articles.

Born in 1932 in Kyoto City, Tanaka Toshihiro studied metal hammering under his father Teppo Tanaka. The metalworker exhibited at the Traditional Crafts Japan Metalwork Exhibition, where he received the Commissioner for Cultural Affairs Award and the Japan Kōgei Association Award. He has had many solo exhibitions at art galleries and department stores throughout Japan.

田中 利広

Tanaka Toshihiro



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